


The curriculum at Clinton State School is engaging and challenging, and delivered in a supportive and caring environment. This allows each student to develop to the utmost of his/her capabilities.  Our priority is for each student to possess the skills in literacy and numeracy and the required knowledge and understandings to become a productive member of society, with the abilities to adapt to change, think and reason, communicate effectively, and continue to be a life-long learner in our ever-changing world.

The school community places particular importance on the productive partnership that is developed between home and school and the important, positive impact this has on each child's learning.

At Clinton we have a strong belief in ‘Reward for Effort’ and encourage all students to become active participants in their learning. Goal setting is one approach used to foster students in making connections between their own personal choices for learning and the end results.

More detailed information about the curriculum at Clinton can be obtained by contacting your child’s classroom teacher through the school office.

Our curriculum

Clinton incorporates the curriculums listed below:

  1. Australian Curriculum  - English, Mathematics,  Science, Geography and History 

  2. QLD Curriculum (Essential Learnings) - The Arts, Technology, HPE & Language

  3. The Early Years Curriculum Guidelines – Social and Personal learning, Health and Physical learning and the aspects in the Active learning processes not covered in the Australian Curriculum (for Prep)

At Clinton State School we are focused on providing quality educational outcomes. Curriculum planning and implementation is focused on all key learning areas.

  • Languages (Japanese - new in 2019)
  • Music
  • Physical Education

Helpful curriculum links

“The Australian Curriculum sets consistent national standards to improve learning outcomes for all young Australians. It sets out, through content descriptions and achievement standards, what students should be taught and achieve, as they progress through school. It is the base for future learning, growth and active participation in the Australian community”

The Australian Curriculum Overview

“The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) is a statutory body of the Queensland Government. Who provide Kindergarten to Year 12 syllabuses, guidelines, assessment, reporting, testing and certification services for Queensland schools.”

The Early Years Curriculum Guidelines

“The Early Years Curriculum Guidelines (EYCG) provide teachers with a framework for interacting with children, and planning, assessing and reflecting on an effective Preparatory Year curriculum.

The guidelines are based on active learning for children through real-life situations, investigation and play. They incorporate descriptions of 4 early learning and development phases to help teachers to monitor children's progress and preparedness for Year 1.”

The Learning Place

“The Learning Place is DET's secure eLearning environment providing access to an innovative range of digital resources and eSpaces for teaching and learning, collaborating and networking.”

Last reviewed 13 May 2020
Last updated 13 May 2020